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Top 10 Full-Body Cable Machine Workouts –

Top 10 Full-Body Cable Machine Workouts -

Unlike rigid machines and free weights, which often isolate muscles and restrict the range of motion, cable machines offer a dynamic and fluid approach to a full-body workout. 
With their adjustable pulleys and versatile attachments, cable machines allow for smooth, continuous movements that mimic real-life activities and engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This makes them excellent for enhancing strength, balance, and coordination.
In this article, we’ll review the benefits of using a cable machine, including the top 10 full-body cable machine workouts designed to ignite your muscles, torch calories, and leave you feeling stronger.

Cable machines offer many benefits essential to a well-rounded fitness regimen. Here are six detailed benefits of using cable machines:
1. Versatility 
Unlike traditional cable exercises, which often focus on a single muscle group with a fixed range of motion, full-body cable workouts target multiple muscle groups.
With adjustable pulleys on the cable machine, you can modify the angle of resistance to engage muscles from various directions, making it possible to perform isolation and compound movements.
This versatility is further enhanced by the ability to attach different handles, bars, and ropes, which you can use to perform exercises such as chest presses, rows, lat pulldowns, tricep pushdowns, and leg kicks.

2. Cable Machines are Safe
Cables provide a controlled form of resistance that minimizes the stress on joints and connective tissues, making these workouts suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, including those recovering from injuries. 
This feature also promotes better joint stability and can contribute to overall functional strength, essential for everyday activities and athletic performance.
Additionally, quickly adjusting the weight settings without loading or unloading plates makes it easier to manage progressive overload and avoid overexertion.
3. Efficient
Working out with traditional gym equipment such as barbells or dumbbells is excellent for strength training; however, these types of equipment require multiple sets of isolated exercises and more resting time between sessions.
Cable machines, on the other hand, make workouts more efficient by allowing you to perform compound movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously with a shorter resting period within sets. You can also do supersets and tri-sets, which are more efficient at activating muscles during strength training.
The continuous tension provided by the cables ensures that muscles remain activated throughout the entire range of motion, leading to better muscle fatigue and growth in less time.
4. Adaptable for All Fitness Levels
Cable machines are highly adaptable, making them suitable for individuals at any fitness level. For beginners, the controlled movements and adjustable weight settings allow for a gradual increase in resistance, helping them build strength and confidence without the risk of overloading their muscles.
Intermediate and advanced users can use cable machines’ versatility to incorporate more complex and varied exercises into their fitness routines, enhancing muscle development and overall performance.
Cable machines also can be used for rehabilitation, helping you recover from injuries with controlled resistance that can be precisely adjusted to your needs.
5. Time Efficiency
Cable machines enable you to perform a full-body workout in less time. Since you can quickly switch between exercises without changing equipment, you can maintain a higher intensity throughout your workout. This time efficiency benefits those with busy schedules who need to maximize their workout in a limited time.
The ability to perform compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously further enhances the efficiency of your workout.

Below are 10 full-body cable workouts you should add to our fitness routine.

1. Cable Lat Pulldowns
Cable lat pulldowns are excellent full-body exercises for strengthening and building back muscles. They also improve posture and upper body strength, which is crucial for strength training.
This full-body cable workout allows you to apply various grip positions and widths to target the lat muscles.
How to Do It:

Sit at a lat cable pulldown machine and adjust the pads to fit snugly over your thighs to hold your lower body in place.


Grasp the bar with a wide grip, palms facing forward.


Keep your hands more than shoulder-width apart


Lean back slightly and pull the bar towards your upper chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together to engage your lat muscles fully.


Hold the position for a few seconds before slowly returning the bar to the starting position by fully extending your arms.

 2. Cable Crossover
Cable crossover is one of the most popular and effective cable machine exercises for building and strengthening the upper body muscles, including the chest and front delts. It does so by providing a great stretch and contraction throughout the movement.
How to Do It:

Stand in the center of a cable machine with pulleys set at the highest position.


Grab the handles with your arms outstretched and slightly bent.


Step forward, placing one foot in front of the other for stability and tighten your core.


With your head in a neutral position and your elbows slightly bent, pull the handles together in front of your body, crossing them slightly.


Hold briefly and slowly return to the starting position.

3. Standing  Biceps Cable Curl
Standing biceps cable curls target the biceps muscles, making them stronger and more defined. 
How to Do It:

Stand with your feet flat on the floor before a low pulley cable machine with a straight bar attached.


Grasp the bar with single or both hands, shoulder-width apart.


Harden your core and keep your back straight


Keep your elbows close to your body and curl the bar up towards your shoulders using your forearms only.


Hold for seconds and slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.


Repeat 10-15 reps of 3 sets.


4. Seated Cable Rows
Seated cable rows are compound cable exercises that enhance the back thickness and strengthen the forearms. They are excellent for all bodybuilders, including those with injuries and beginners, since they row in a fixed range of motion and seated position, improving posture and helping prevent back injuries.
You require a weighted horizontal cable machine with a bench and footplates to do the workout.  
How to Do It:

Sit on the bench upright with your back supported.


Grasp the cable machine handle with an overhand grip and slightly bend your knees. Your back should remain straight.


Brace your core and pull the handle towards your torso, squeezing your shoulder blades together.


Slowly extend your arms back to the starting position and repeat

5. Cable Crunches
Cable crunches are highly effective for building and strengthening the abdominal muscles. They provide resistance that can be easily adjusted for progressive overload. 
How to Do It:

Attach a rope handle to a high pulley.


Kneel in front of the machine ( facing the machine) and hold the rope handle with both hands.


While kneeling and holding the rope handles, move one step away from the machine, keeping your hips high and locked so the movements may come from the spine.


Hold the ropes with your hands in front of your face or towards the top of your face.


Crunch your torso down towards your knees, engaging your abs.


Slowly return to the starting position.

6. Cable Shrugs
Cable shrugs are excellent full-body cable workouts for targeting the upper trapezius muscles. They improve shoulder stability and posture and prevent neck and upper back injuries. Cable shrugs also help build a stronger, more defined upper back and neck area.
How to Do It:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in front of a low pulley with handles attached.


Grasp the handles with straight arms, palms facing down, and relaxed shoulders. Your back should be straight, and your core engaged.


Shrug your shoulders towards your ears, squeezing at the top.


Hold briefly and slowly lower your shoulders to the starting position, fully extending your arms.


Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining control and proper form throughout the exercise.

7. Cable Lateral Raise
Cable lateral raises are excellent full-body workouts that work on the shoulder muscles, specifically the lateral (side) deltoid muscles. This exercise helps build broader and more defined shoulders, contributing to a wider upper body appearance. It also enhances shoulder strength and stability, crucial in bodybuilding and overall athletic performance.
How to Do It:

Attach a handle to the low pulley of a cable machine.


Stand with your side to the machine, holding the handle with the hand farthest from the machine.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your torso upright and your core engaged.


Hold the handle with a slight bend in your elbow, your arm across your body in front of you.


Raise your arm to the side until it is parallel to the floor or aligns with your other shoulder. 
Slowly lower the handle back to the starting position, maintaining control and resisting the cable’s pull.


Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and switch sides to work the opposite shoulder.

8. Cable Kickback
Cable kickbacks are full-body exercises that strengthen and develop lower body muscles, including gluteus muscles. Well-developed glutes enhance the physique’s overall symmetry and aesthetics. Strong glutes also improve performance in compound lifts such as squats and deadlifts, essential for overall muscle growth and strength. 
How to Do It:

Attach an ankle strap to the low pulley of a cable machine.


Secure the strap around one ankle and stand facing the machine, holding onto it for support.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.


Lean forward slightly at the waist, maintaining a straight back and keeping your core engaged.


Extend your strapped leg straight back and up, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement.


Slowly return to the starting position, controlling the movement.


Repetitions: Perform 10-15 reps for each leg, 3-4 sets.


9. Cable Fly
Cable fly, also known as cable pec fly workout, is a significant resistance full-body exercise that primarily targets the chest muscles (pectoralis major muscles) and works on shoulder and triceps muscles to a lesser extent. This exercise helps to enhance chest definition and strength.
The cable fly allows for a greater range of motion, which leads to better muscle stretching and contraction and contributes to overall muscle growth and flexibility.
How to Do It:

Stand in the center of a cable machine with pulleys set at shoulder height.


Grab the cable handles with your arms outstretched and slightly bent.


Step forward so there’s tension in the cables, with feet shoulder-width apart or in a staggered stance for better balance.


Engage your core to maintain stability.


Bring the handles together in front of your chest in a wide arc, squeezing your chest muscles.


Hold the contraction momentarily before slowly returning to the starting position.

10. Cable Calf Raise
The cable calf raise specifically isolates the calf muscles, providing a concentrated workout that can lead to hypertrophy (muscle growth). Here is how you can do it:

Attach a straight bar or a calf block to the low pulley on a cable machine. 
Stand with your feet hip-width apart on the block, facing away from the machine.


Hold the bar or the handles for balance, with the balls of your feet on the edge of the block, allowing your heels to hang off.


Push through the balls of your feet to lift your heels as high as possible, squeezing your calf muscles at the top of the movement.


Slowly lower your heels back to the starting position, allowing a full stretch of the calves.


Incorporating full-body cable machine workouts into your fitness routine can significantly enhance your strength, stability, and overall fitness. Cable machines provide a comprehensive workout targeting multiple muscle groups while ensuring balanced development and reducing the risk of injury. 
Take the first step towards a stronger, more resilient body by trying these cable machine workouts in your next gym session.

The Rock Demonstrates This ‘Super Effective’ Dumbbell Row Variation

The Rock Demonstrates This ‘Super Effective’ Dumbbell Row Variation

Dwayne Johnson has consistently lived up to his “Rock” moniker by appearing to be chiseled out of stone. And part of the success that he’s had with his phenomenal physique is owed to an inquisitive approach to bodybuilding. Johnson is always searching for new ways to put his home Iron Paradise gym to great use, and in a recent video posted to Instagram, the “People’s Champion” demonstrates how he adds a simple twist to a dumbbell row variation in order to make it “super effective.”
DJ is currently shooting the The Smashing Machine, a movie based on the life and exploits of mixed-martial arts legend, Mark Kerr, and has been training hard to replicate Kerr’s solid physique. To that end, The Rock has been working long hours in the weight room, and one exercise that he says is one of his favorites is a dumbbell variation, as follows:
The Rock demonstrates chest supported dumbbell row with 2 second hold

In this double-arm dumbbell row variation, The Rock leans forward onto an incline bench. The bench will provide support and place the body at an angle to reduce the load on his hamstrings and glutes, instead allowing the upper body to do the work. This exercise will hit the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, trapezius, and rear deltoids, making it awesome for back strength and posture.
“2 sec peak hold, with deep stretch at the bottom,” explains Johnson. For each rep, the former WWE champion can be seen holding his position with the dumbbells for 2 seconds at the top of each row. Studies have shown that prolonged time under tension can bring about greater protein synthesis during the muscle’s recovery process. A 2012 study said: “…greater muscle time under tension increased the acute amplitude of mitochondrial and sarcoplasmic protein synthesis and also resulted in a robust, but delayed stimulation of myofibrillar protein synthesis 24–30 h after resistance exercise.
“These are a b*tch and kicks my ass but super effective and one of my fav DB rowing exercises,” commented The Rock, who also utilized a deep stretch at the bottom of each rep. By stretching, you’ll activate your muscles and help them to grow. Try the Rock dumbbell row variation for yourself. The Smashing Machine is expected to hit screens in 2025, but in the meantime, The Rock continues to smash his workouts.

UFC Welterweight Champ Leon Edwards Jokes American Fighters ‘Dress Weird’

UFC Welterweight Champ Leon Edwards Jokes American Fighters 'Dress Weird'

Leon Edwards is the reigning UFC Welterweight Champion and is in hard training for his next title defence at UFC 304 in July, but in a rare insight into a fighter’s day off, “Rocky” reveals that he loves nothing more than to spend time clothes shopping with his young son Jayden, and he feels that a lot of the other fighters in his division need a style upgrade.
Edwards is no Cowboy Cerrone when it comes to flamboyant getup. The 32-year-old star from Kingston, Jamaica, now living in Birmingham, England, reveals that Sundays are typically his only days off and given the choice he likes to go shopping and spend time with his boy, Jayden. But, when it comes to fashion faux pas, Edwards avoids epic fails by keeping it simple and mostly sticking to black garments. “I feel like they all, like, dress weird, the Americans,” jokes the welterweight champ of his fellow fighters. “Just, very different, so I feel like definitely, 100% (I have better style).” Edwards’ revelations were captured during an episode of UFC Day Off, hosted by the famous gamer and YouTuber, Elz The Witch.

In the video, the champ says that he gives his fashion flowers to Conor McGregor. “Conor dresses, but he’s had more suits and stuff. There’s a few people that dress decent, but most of the times, they’re kinda like, hillbilly American looking,” he says. When pressed to rate his peers, here was the Jamaican’s judgement:
Kamaru Usman
”I wouldn’t wear it,” Edwards says of Usman’s leopard print look, giving it 5 out of 10. “Well, fair play.”
Belal Muhammad
Not surprisingly, since Muhammed will challenge the champ at UFC 304 in Manchester, England, Edwards gave his upcoming opponent 1 out of 10, taking issue with the fit of his suit. “Look at it, it’s all baggy,” he exclaimed. “It doesn’t match the blazer. There’s a lot going on.”
Michael Venom Page
Liking Page’s knitted vest look, Edwards finds his fashion friend here. “See, I’ll probably go 8, yeah, 7,8,” out of 10, he says.
Shavkat Rakhmonov
“Nice suit.” 7 out of 10. “There’s not much fashion that goes into a normal suit like that.”
Colby Covington
“I don’t know what he’s meant to be, like an old time American guy,” he says of Covington’s UFC 296 press conference appearance. “Zero if I could give him zero.”
Of course, this was all a bit of fun, but fashion will turn to fists when Edwards meets his old foe Belal Muhammad in Manchester, England, on July 27, 2024. “It’s the rematch,” he told Elz the Witch. “We fought 2 years ago and it ended in an eye poke (where Edwards was unable to continue). So, I feel like there’s unfinished business. So, I’ll go out there focussed and get the job done.”
Follow Leon Edwards on Instagram 

10 Best Lat Pulldown Variations To Strengthen Your Back Muscles

10 Best Lat Pulldown Variations To Strengthen Your Back Muscles

You know what is not the only thing that will give you wings, so will lat pulldowns. Here, we are diving into the ten best lat pulldown variations to add muscle and strength to this visually appealing muscle.
Whether you’re a gym newbie or a seasoned lifter, these variations target your latissimus dorsi—known as the “lats”—to enhance strength, improve aesthetics, and increase performance in and out of the gym. This list will explore why these particular lat pulldown exercises make the cut and how they can be programmed into your workout to get gains.
Ready to sculpt a more muscular, more defined back? Here are 10 different ways to blast your back with the pulldown.

Anatomy and Function of the Latissimus Dorsi Muscle
The lats are the broadest muscles in your back, spanning from the lower spine to the sides of the rib cage and attaching to the upper arm bone (humerus). This fan-shaped muscle powers several parts of the body, and is responsible for the following functions:
Adduct, rotate, and extend the shoulder
These movements happen whenever you pull something towards you or lower your arm from an elevated arm position.
Spinal Stability
Engaging your lats provides stability to your spine. It supports your core and stabilizes your back during heavy lifts like deadlifts, squats, or daily activities.
Better posture
Strong lats contribute to a better posture by keeping the back straight and shoulders pulled back.
Understanding the anatomy and function of the lats is not just about targeting them well; it’s about recognizing their crucial role in your health and fitness. Strengthening the lats is more than aesthetics; it’s about building a muscle that powers you in and out of the gym. And here are ten exercises that do just that.

Benefits of Lat Pulldown Variations
The ten lat pull variations selected here are the cornerstone of effective back training. Here’s why I chose them:
Variety and Range of Motion
These ten variations encompass a wide range of motions, ensuring that the lats are worked from multiple angles and through different lengths of muscle contraction. This variety helps stimulate muscle growth and prevents plateaus.
Regressions and Progressions
These exercises are scalable for beginners and advanced lifters. The tall and half-kneeling variations may seem easy to the naked eye, but wait until you do them.
Functional Strength
Beyond aesthetics, these variations enhance strength, translating into better performance in sports and daily activities. They improve your ability to pull and stabilize, which is essential in and out of the gym.

The Top 10 Lat Pulldown Variations
Okay, enough talk. Let’s get down to action. Here are the ten best lat pulldown variations to increase the strength and size of your back for better flex appeal. These lat pulldown variations are best performed as an accessory exercise, so two to four sets of 8-15 reps work well.

Revitalize Your Summer with these Nourishing Smoothies

Revitalize Your Summer with these Nourishing Smoothies

As the temperature rises and the sun shines brighter, there’s no better way to stay refreshed and energized than with delicious, nutrient-packed smoothies. Whether you’re lounging by the pool or hitting the trails, these organic, easy-to-make smoothie recipes will keep you feeling your best all summer long. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, each smoothie is designed to support your overall well-being while tantalizing your taste buds.Here’s some of my favorite smoothies that will keep you hydrated, revitalized and glowing from the inside all summer long! Sunshine Glow SmoothieIngredients:1 cup fresh pineapple chunks1 ripe banana1 orange, peeled1/2 cup coconut waterHandful of fresh mint leaves2-3 ice cubesBlend until smooth and enjoy!Why it’s good: This vibrant smoothie is bursting with vitamin C, which is essential for glowing skin and a strong immune system. Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids digestion and reduces inflammation. Coconut water replenishes electrolytes, keeping you hydrated on those sunny days.Fun fact: Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which can help reduce bloating and aid in digestion, making it the perfect post-meal treat.Variety: Swap pineapple for mango or add a handful of spinach for an extra boost of greens. Berry Blast Muscle Fuel SmoothieIngredients:1 cup mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)1/2 cup Greek yogurt (or plant-based yogurt for a vegan option)1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup1/2 cup almond milkSmall handful of fresh basil leaves2-3 ice cubesBlend until smooth and enjoy!Why it’s good: Berries are rich in antioxidants and low in calories, making them ideal for supporting lean muscle growth and aiding in post-workout recovery. Greek yogurt provides a good source of protein and probiotics for gut health, while basil adds a refreshing twist and may help reduce inflammation.Fun fact: Berries are packed with anthocyanins, which have been shown to improve blood flow, enhance muscle recovery, and reduce muscle soreness after exercise.Variety: Substitute basil with mint or add a scoop of protein powder for an extra protein boost. Tropical Energy Boost SmoothieIngredients:1 ripe mango, peeled and diced (fresh or frozen)1/2 cup fresh pineapple chunks (fresh or frozen)1/2 ripe banana1 tablespoon chia seeds1/2 cup coconut waterSmall handful of fresh cilantro leaves2-3 ice cubesBlend until smooth and enjoy!Why it’s good: This tropical delight is loaded with natural sugars for a quick energy boost without the crash. Mango and pineapple provide a hefty dose of vitamin C and fiber, while chia seeds offer omega-3 fatty acids for sustained energy and hydration. Cilantro adds a refreshing zing and may help detoxify the body.Fun fact: Chia seeds were prized by ancient Aztec warriors for their ability to provide sustained energy and endurance during battles.Variety: Swap cilantro for basil or add a splash of lime juice for an extra citrus kick.Remember, staying hydrated and nourished is essential for enjoying a fun-filled and active summer. With these refreshing summer smoothie recipes, you can fuel your body with the goodness it deserves while indulging in delicious flavors that will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized.Cheers to a summer of health, happiness, and tasty smoothie adventures!Enjoy!Maria@groovysweatLet’s Connect!IG | FB | TIKTOK | YouTubewww.mariasollonfitness.com

How To Store Your Supplements the Right Way

How To Store Your Supplements the Right Way

If you take supplements regularly you know firsthand they are an investment in your health. Not only do you invest your hard-earned money, but you commit to taking them at the proper times, whether you’re at home or on the go. With that in mind you want them to last as long as possible and as fresh as possible and in order to do that you need to know how to store your supplements correctly.
The last thing you’d want to happen is to have your supplements become less effective, or even spoil due to improper storage conditions. Yes, storing supplements in the wrong places can be a recipe for disaster. And since no one likes to toss money down the drain, Ryan Gebo, RD, LDN, owner of Life Force Nutrition who has studied supplements for 15 years shares his top tips to help you get the best out of your supplements. From powders to pills, these storage tips will keep ‘supps’ potent and full of benefits.

Nejron Photo

What Happens if Supplements Aren’t Stored Correctly?
Just as you wouldn’t store milk on the kitchen counter, the same importance needs to be placed on where you store your supplements.
“Appropriate supplement storage is often overlooked, but it is important,” says Gebo and shares that failure to store most supplements safely can result in:
Reduced effectiveness and potency
When vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is exposed to sunlight it rapidly degrades into byproducts that are both far less bioavailable and biologically active than its precursor.
Bacterial growth or mold.
Some supplements may contain some of the necessary ingredients for bacterial and mold growth when stored inappropriately. Bacterial growth requires food, controlled acidity, time, certain temperatures, the presence of oxygen, and higher moisture environments.
Textural changes and physical deterioration,
This effect supplements that are in powder form or gels that can clumping together and/or completely dry out.
Spoilage and rancidity
This is a particular problem for oil-based supplements.
Here’s The Right Way to Store Your Supplements
Here Gebo shows you the best home for your supplements helping them stay fresh, potent, and full of benefits.
Powders (Protein, Amino Acids, Greens)
Store in a cool, dry place. Temperature: Room temperature is sufficient, but ideally between 60°F and 78°F. Humidity: Low humidity is essential to prevent clumping and bacterial/mold growth. Misc: Keep the lid closed tightly and do not remove any drying agents. Drying agents are used to prevent excess moisture. If the lid is not closed tightly, drying agents will be ineffective.
Pills (Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Other)
Keep in a dry, cool place, that is ideally light-controlled such as a kitchen cabinet. Temperature: Maintain a temperature between 65°F and 78°F Humidity: Low humidity, and take care not to store in a shower room that may have excessive moisture.
Pre-made Nutritional and Protein Shakes
Refrigerate after opening. Temperature: Follow manufacturer recommendations, however, many health shakes/fluids can be stored at room temperature until opened. After opening, refrigerate at 33°F to 40°F. Misc: Keep the lid or cap closed tightly, and take care to monitor expiration dates, especially after opening.
Keep in a dry, cool place, that is ideally light-controlled such as a kitchen cabinet. Temperature: Room temperature is usually sufficient. Misc: Gel packs are typically single-use and they don’t keep well once opened.
Store in a cool, dry place. Temperature: Room temperature is sufficient, but ideally between 60°F and 78°F. Humidity: Low humidity is essential to prevent clumping. Misc: If in a re-sealable container, take caution to keep the lid closed tightly, and avoid exposure to any moisture.
Gebo’s Additional Tips for Supplement Storage
Regularly check the expiration dates on your supplements. Over time, supplements can lose their potency. For maximum effectiveness, take supplements within their use-by window. As a supplement gets closer to whole food such as shakes, and protein powders, it becomes increasingly important to pay attention to the storage instructions on the label.
Avoid storage in areas where local temperatures can be unpredictable such as cars and near ovens or other kitchen appliances.
Avoid storage in areas where humidity levels can be unpredictable such as basements, bathrooms, and sink areas.
Light is an often-overlooked contaminant in many supplements. Several vitamins, including A, D, E, B2, B6, B12, and C, can have drastically reduced potency and even unwanted or harmful byproducts from light-induced degradation. Many consumers often enjoy the ease of pill organizers but need to be mindful that these can often lack protection from light and moisture exposure.
Removal of supplements from their original packaging and containers is not recommended. Exposure to light and moisture is a concern. However, additional concerns from the removal of the original packing include losing track of what the supplement is, expiration date confusion, inappropriate dosing, failure to comply with storage tips located on the label, and accessibility when around children.
Some powders contain buried serving scoops and consumers should take care to dig these out with a clean, dry object such as a fork or spoon to prevent contamination.

The Best Chest Exercises According To Fitness Experts

The Best Chest Exercises According To Fitness Experts

When it comes to sculpting a powerful chest, navigating the sea of workout advice on YouTube can be overwhelming. From classic barbell exercises to innovative bodyweight variations, fitness influencers on the platform offer a myriad of approaches to achieve optimal chest development.
In this article, we delve into the favorites of three prominent YouTube channels renowned for their expertise in fitness and bodybuilding.
Whether you’re a beginner looking to build foundational strength or an experienced lifter seeking advanced techniques, understanding these recommended exercises can pave the way for a stronger, more defined chest. For full breakdowns, watch the videos embedded below the lists.
The Best Chest Exercises According To Jeff Nippard
If you’re not familiar with Jeff Nippard, you need to search him up as soon as you finish reading this article. Nippard takes a science-based approach to building muscle, gaining strength, and losing fat. Without any more preambles, let’s take a look at his top chest exercises.

Bench Press
Machine Chest Press
Cable Press Around
Incline Dumbbell Press
Banded Deficit Pushups
Cable Crossover
Pec Flye
Dumbbell Iso Hold
AMRAP Pushups


The Best Chest Exercises According To Athlean-X
If you haven’t heard of Athlean-X, what are we even doing here? While Jeff Cavaliere isn’t the bulkiest guy on the list, there’s no denying he is incredibly ripped, and his almost 14 million subscribers trust his fitness knowledge.

Barbell or Dumbbell Bench Press*
30-45º Incline Bench Press
Heavy 1-Arm Crossovers
DB Upper Chest Pullovers
Lying Cable Bench Press
Cable Crossovers
Twisting Pushup
Underhand DB Bench
Floor Fly


*Cavaliere also notes that bench press should be followed up by crossovers to take advantage of the stretch that it provides.
The Best Chest Exercises According To Eric Janicki
Now, Eric Janicki may not be a household name yet, but one look at his physique, and you can see he knows how to make his muscles grow. Now, in his video, the exercises were ranked a little differently than standard #1, #2, etc… instead, he opted for an S-F Tier rating system. He did have a definite top favorite pick, and the rest are exercises that he recommends (A or B Tier).

Machine Flyes (Pec Deck)
Camber Bar Bench Press
Incline Bench Cable Flies
Machine Press
Decline Dumbbell Fly
Cable Flies
Incline Bench Cable Flies
Barbell Incline Press
Deficit Pushups


Breaking Down The Results
As we can see, there is a pretty good variety of pressing movements vs. stretching movements from the first two, while Janicki is more focused on stretches. Nippard and Cavaliere both have the classic bench press as the best movement, while Janicki thinks the risk of injury and lack of stretch at the bottom of the exercise doesn’t even place it in his top ten.
However, he does say that a cambered bar bench press is a great exercise since you get an additional few inches of range of motion at the bottom of the movement.
We could go exercise for exercise, but that doesn’t seem needed. Nippard’s list seems a little more press-focused, Cavaliere’s list is a healthy combination of pressing and stretching, and Janicki’s definitely leans more into stretching.
Is one list better than the others? Not necessarily.
A lot of which chest movements work for you may not work for someone else. These lists do give a great jumping-off point for where to get started in programming your own chest workouts. Any chest exercises they missed that you enjoy? Post them in the comments below.

Is Creatine Bad For Your Kidneys? What’s Fact vs. Fiction


Creatine supplements are getting a lot of attention these days. Influencers are sharing how these powders helped transform their body composition, recovery, and strength. And new research is being published on the compound’s cognitive capabilities (like this recent study showing its energizing effects after sleeping poorly).