Nutrition Therapy Success: Beth Buchanan’s Journey

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Meet NTI graduate Beth Buchanan. In the world of holistic wellness, Beth stands out as knowledgeable and inspirational. Join us as we delve into her journey, exploring her insights, experiences, and the profound impact of nutrition therapy.Tell us about yourself and your businessI am Beth Buchanan, the Nutrition Therapist behind Well Nourished! I specialize in female hormonal health and all the systems that impact hormonal health (gut, adrenal, liver, and nervous system…) My practice is located in Bend, Oregon but see clients all over the US.My background is in exercise science so the addition of nutrition therapy just seemed natural and the missing link, really. I am a teacher at heart so wanting to pass on the power of nutrition and teach my two little ones how to take care of themselves the way our bodies want to be cared for is thrilling to me!READ MORE >>> What Can I Do With My Nutrition Therapist Master Certification?What led you to pursue a career in holistic wellness?I met a previous NTI graduate back in 2006 and we became friends and business owners. She was/is so brilliant and I just needed to know what she knew about food and the ability to individualize nutrition to help people feel great.In the middle of working together, I ended up with multiple GI issues that I would not have known how to support without her help. She guided me so effortlessly to a clean bill of health and I was hooked!How did going to school at Nutrition Therapy Institute set you up for success?Going to NTI gave me an amazing foundation to springboard my career and live the business owner life I had been dreaming about. I found every class challenging yet accessible, each instructor was very knowledgeable and approachable, and with my background in exercise physiology, I could really round out my knowledge around providing well-researched health advice that could not be obtained without the power of root-cause nutrition.What was the most valuable part of your training at NTI?The tests were incredibly valuable. I really appreciated the case study questions so we could get our brains wrapped around the real application of our learning right away. I also really appreciated how approachable all the staff and teachers were. I felt I could ask questions and reach out even after the term had ended if I had questions or needed resources.What is your favorite part about being a Nutrition Therapist Master?I thrive supporting and witnessing women take control of their health and live the life they were meant to live. I love empowering women and providing the tools necessary to be the healthiest they can be.What are your goals as a Nutrition Therapist Master?My goals as a Nutrition Therapist Master is to be one of the most effective female health practitioners in the field. I just passed my BCHN credential as well as became a DUTCH test practitioner to more fully support my clients on their hormonal health journey. I love continuing to learn and expanding my knowledge to help as many women as possible.What is one nutritional strategy you make sure to include in your routine and why?I make sure to get adequate levels of well-sourced animal protein (grass-fed, pastured, wild-caught) daily. While we need cholesterol to make sex hormones, we need animal protein to support adrenal, thyroid, and liver function which must be healthy to support sex hormone function. One way I do this is to add multi-collagen to my full-fat coconut milk matcha latte tea every morning. Yum!Are you inspired by Beth’s journey and want to create a rewarding career for yourself?  Then becoming a Nutrition Therapist Master or a Natural Food Chef is the perfect way to do just that!  Our Nutrition Therapist Master Certification is science-based and the most comprehensive holistic nutrition training program available today.  In our Natural Food Chef program, you will learn how to blend culinary art and science with holistic nutrition.  Get in touch with our admissions team to learn more today!

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