5 Rehydrating Post-Workout Drinks You Should Be Using

Must Try

by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN
Hydration is the key to recovering after an intense workout session. The right rehydrating post-workout drinks can deliver nutrients to fatigued muscles and stimulate blood flow to activate the recovery and rehydration process. They also help our body to eliminate toxins that trigger muscle soreness.
According to research, even minor dehydration can have an impact on sports performance by decreasing endurance, strength, and power. Hence, it is crucial to get a jump on hydration by drinking the proper fluids after your training sessions.
In this article, we are going to take a deeper dive into rehydrating post-workout drinks. Below are five surprisingly delicious and helpful drinks that may rehydrate just as well as water and can keep you feeling refreshed and replenished.
1.    Coconut Water
You’re missing out if you haven’t tried the delicious nectar that is coconut water! It’s not only tasty but also nature’s top source of electrolytes. With almost 15 times more potassium than the average sports drink, it’s perfect for your rehydrating post-workout drinks and recovery plan.
To rehydrate properly, your body needs a blend of essential electrolytes, including potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium. According to a study, coconut water is just as effective as sports drinks and water in aiding post-workout recovery.
The beauty of coconut water lies in its naturally low sugar content. No added sugars, preservatives, or artificial colors to worry about. It’s just pure, fresh electrolyte goodness straight from the coconut. For an extra zing, squeeze some lemon into your homemade coconut water.
2.    Milk
It might come off as a shock, but as the old phrase says, “Milk. It does a body good.” Milk can be quite beneficial for your body after a workout, which is why we’re adding it to our list of rehydrating post-workout drinks.
According to a study, milk topped the list of drinks that provides maximum hydration while also helping provide the body with protein to help repair broken-down muscle fibers from your training session. The study concluded that its benefits were because of the beverage’s high-calorie content and the quality of its macronutrients. In general, researchers found that higher-calorie drinks emptied more slowly from the stomach, which allowed participants to stay hydrated for a longer time.
Milk is also known to replace essential electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, that you lose through sweat. Electrolytes help our body regulate fluid balance in the cells for the best hydration possible.
Milk is another great option for post-workout hydration as it offers a combination of protein and carbohydrates — two essential macronutrients that help repair muscle damage and restore energy levels.
By choosing milk instead of plain water, you can simultaneously replenish lost fluids and receive the necessary nutrients your body needs for optimal recovery. So why settle for just hydration when you can have both hydration and essential nutrients in one glass of milk?
3.    Tart Juice
Here’s something that is uncommon yet super effective. If you want to recover from those tired, sore muscles, you may need to think outside the box of what you keep in your refrigerator. Antioxidant-rich cherry juice helps decrease inflammation and benefits muscle function and recovery. That sounds like a recipe for effective post-workout recovery!
Cherry juice may just be the secret weapon for post-workout recovery. In 2010, a study conducted on marathon runners found that those who drank cherry juice before and after their run experienced faster muscle recovery. This is because cherry juice is rich in antioxidants that help decrease inflammation and lipid peroxidation.
Backing up this claim is a 2006 study that showed cherry juice reduced muscle damage and prevented strength loss compared to a placebo. So, whether you’re a seasoned endurance athlete or a fitness enthusiast, cherry juice can be a game-changer for your post-workout routine.
However, it’s important to note that you should choose unsweetened cherry juice and limit your intake to just one serving, which is typically 10 ounces.
4.    Tea
Did you know that your beloved cup of tea can do more than just help you relax? Recent research has shown that both black and green tea can aid in fat oxidation, which is the process of breaking down fats into smaller molecules that can be used for energy during exercise and post-workout recovery.
Tea is one of the perfect rehydrating post-workout drinks, as it is packed with powerful antioxidants that can help reduce muscle soreness and improve muscle strength. A study from 2010 discovered that male athletes who consumed tea rich in the antioxidant theaflavin after an intense sprint had higher levels of antioxidants and lower levels of cortisol in their blood work.
Additionally, the athletes experienced less delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) thanks to the tea. So why not add a cup of tea to your post-workout routine and reap the benefits?
5.    Electrolyte Drinks
 This is a no-brainer. While natural rehydrating post-workout drinks like coconut water and cherry juice offer great benefits, sometimes your body needs a little extra after a grueling workout. Electrolytes are crucial for maintaining proper muscle and bodily function, and deficiencies can lead to serious consequences. This is where sports drinks come in.
Sports drinks are great rehydrating post-workout drinks because they have been specially designed to replenish electrolytes and bring your body back to its optimal state after intense exercise. For athletes, these drinks can be a game-changer when it comes to improving post-workout recovery and replenishing key electrolytes and minerals lost through sweat.

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