Is TRT Legal In The US & How To Start?

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With Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) becoming increasingly covered in the mainstream and the results displayed by several well-known outspoken celebrity proponents for it, it kinda makes you scratch your head and wonder, can it really be legal if it’s helping that much? Well, believe it or not, yeah it is.
TRT in a Nutshell
Imagine your body’s testosterone as the fuel that keeps the engine humming smoothly. When the fuel runs low, TRT steps in like a trusty pit-stop crew in a Formula 1 race, ensuring everything’s running at peak performance. But here’s the kicker: getting this premium fuel involves more than just a quick pit stop.
You can’t just walk into your local pharmacy and ask for “one TRT please.” You need to meet certain requirements even to be considered for a prescription for this treatment. This journey usually starts with some sort of questionnaire, and if those answers meet the criteria, a consultation with a doctor is the next step, in which blood work is ordered. Now once your results are back, the doctor will go over your options with you, which may include injections, gels, or other treatments.
Where to go to get TRT?
Before you ask the guy at the gym who is juiced to the gills where he gets his stuff, remember, that’s not TRT. Those are straight-up steroids. The point of TRT is to restore your testosterone levels, not spike them through the roof.
The best/only place to get TRT is through a licensed professional, and this has never been easier with the availability of online TRT clinics.
Our personal favorite is FountainTRT, and if you don’t believe us, you can check out their reviews online. They have a 4.9/5 star rating on trust pilot. 
Here are some resources on how much TRT costs and if you can get it covered by insurance.
TRT and Competition
While you may be able to get TRT prescribed legally, you still need to be aware of any implications it could have in a competitive nature. It seems that a lot of organizations are trying to stick to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) guidelines, which allow for the use of TRT when there is an approved therapeutic use exemption. Reading through the whole policy can be a bit of a pain, so let me save you some time. If you’re on TRT due to your age, that’s a no-go.
Your best option is to double-check the policies for whatever competitive body you’re interested in before either starting TRT or entering the competition.
So there you go, TRT is 100% legal as long as you’re going through the proper channels. Getting a vial of “TRT” from a friend of a friend…not so much. If you’re someone who thinks they are suffering from low testosterone levels, give our friends at FountainTRT a shout to see if they can help get you back to feeling as good as you did in your younger days.

#1 Online TRT Clinic

The new, smarter way to solve Low T. With Fountain’s online doctor’s visits, treatment is a breeze. Start your personalized evaluation and see if TRT injections or topical cream are right for you.

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