Lower Military Fitness Standards Will Come with Consequences

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by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN
I don’t know about you, but when I think of soldiers, I go back to my childhood playing with G.I. Joes. These action figures were lean, mean, and muscular. Growing up we’ve all seen Commando with Arnold Schwarzenegger. The dude was jacked and as badass as they come. Today, all of that has changed. Lower military fitness standards are changing the vision of a strong military.
Rather than putting war paint on their faces and lifting heavy weights, our military seems to be more focused on men in thongs twerking on stage and making TikTok videos in drag.
Physical fitness standards are the foundation and framework that our military should be based on. If you aren’t physically fit, you’re a liability not only to yourself but to your brothers on your left and right. They count on you as much as you count on them to stay safe. You need to be strong. You need to be quick. You need to be an asset.
That’s not happening with today’s lower military fitness standards.
When you think of the military and their role in defending us, your thoughts are probably very similar to mine in that I want the biggest, strongest, most well-trained soldiers that have ever walked this earth. When we outsource our violence and put it in the hands of the military to protect us, we do so with the expectation that the job will be a success.
But can those who are truly serious about defending this country and our freedom stand next to a man who dresses in drag during their spare time and wears make-up and rely on those individuals to be strong when the most heinous individuals show up to do harm?
Personally, I’d hate to have my life rely on standing next to someone who can’t decide if they want to be a male or female. When things go down, and they certainly could on missions, will such individuals rise to the occasion or freeze? It’s no longer a drill when you step outside the wire.
In this article, we are going to dive into some of the issues we will be faced with due to lower military fitness standards and why this should be concerning to us all. The fact of the matter is you, and I need to prioritize our own fitness and become stronger and faster individuals. But let’s jump into things.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any condition. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before starting any exercise program, making changes to your nutrition plan, or adding any new supplements into your current regimen.

Lower Military Fitness Standards Have Consequences for Them & Us
Lowering military physical fitness standards can have several negative outcomes that may compromise the effectiveness and readiness of the armed forces and potentially weaken national defense.
Below are five things that can happen because of this, none of them being good for them, us, or the nation.
1.    Decreased Operational Effectiveness
 Physical fitness is crucial for military personnel to perform their duties effectively, especially in combat situations where strength, endurance, and agility are crucial.
Lowering standards may result in soldiers who are less capable of carrying out demanding tasks, which could hinder mission success and compromise the safety of military personnel and civilians alike.
2.    Increased Injury Rates
 Lower fitness standards may lead to an increase in injuries among military personnel.
Inadequately prepared soldiers may be more susceptible to strains, sprains, and other physical injuries during training exercises or deployment, resulting in decreased manpower and increased medical costs.
Additionally, if a soldier were to get hurt because they weren’t physically fit during a mission, other soldiers need to come to that individual’s aid, taking them away from the mission and putting everyone at risk.
3.    Impact on Unit Cohesion
 Physical fitness standards often serve as a measure of dedication, discipline, and commitment among military personnel. Lowering these standards may create resentment and undermine morale within units, as those who maintain higher fitness levels may feel that their efforts are devalued.
Can you imagine being a soldier who has been in and active duty for the past 5-10 years and seeing these people coming through who are fat, unhealthy, and a liability? How do you think they feel standing next to those who got an easy path into joining up and aren’t physically fit and up to old standards?
4.    Risk to National Security
 A less physically fit military could pose a significant risk to national security by diminishing the ability to respond effectively to threats, whether domestic or foreign. In situations requiring rapid deployment or sustained combat operations, a lack of physical readiness among troops could jeopardize the safety of the nation and its allies.
I don’t know about you, but seeing open borders and the number of undocumented people throughout this country doesn’t make me feel all warm and fuzzy. And the fact that we have people who we’re putting our national security in their hands, yet they are less fit than us, doesn’t sit well with me. Our military is supposed to be the strongest. I’m not sure we have the title any longer.
5.    Long-Term Health Consequences
 Physical fitness is not only important for military readiness but also for overall health and well-being. Lowering fitness standards may contribute to a culture of poor health habits among military personnel, leading to long-term health issues such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and mental health problems (like walking around in drag on military bases).
Overall, while the intention behind lowering fitness standards may be to increase recruitment numbers, the long-term consequences could severely undermine military readiness and national security. It’s essential to strike a balance between recruitment goals and maintaining the high standards necessary for a strong and capable military force. Unfortunately, right now, we don’t have that, which makes our country weak and vulnerable.

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