Healthy Diet For Hair Growth

Hair is the second face of our body. Hair enhances our beauty. Some diets are recommended which are very beneficial for faster hair growth.

Healthy Diet For Hair Growth

The "second face" of the human body, hair is a significant indicator of a person's personality and charm. However, modern people are more likely to have issues like split ends, dry hair, hair loss, and grey hair, which can negatively impact the health and appearance of hair, as a result of environmental pollution, stressful lives, unhealthy behaviours, and other factors. So, how can you give your hair back its elasticity and shine? Diet is another crucial factor, in addition to utilizing the correct care products and trimming frequently. It is significantly and permanently impacted by diet. Eating the appropriate foods can make your hair healthier and more attractive by enhancing its condition from the inside out.  

Beneficial Meals for Faster Hair Growth

I'll introduce you to some meals that are good for your hair down below. I hope it proves to be beneficial to you.

High-Protein Foods

Eating more foods high in high-quality protein is beneficial to healthy hair growth because keratin, the primary protein found in them, is what makes it. Protein can help to produce the amino acids it needs, encourage the production of new cells and keratin, and lessen split ends and hair loss. 

Recommended foods: Foods that are advised include meat, dairy, eggs, beans, and soy products. Of them, milk, eggs, fish, and meat are better for hair health.

2. Vitamin-rich Foods

In addition to being vital micronutrients for human health, vitamins are also very important for healthy hair. Vitamins can stimulate capillary walls, improve scalp metabolism, prevent ageing, and add gloss to hair.

Recommended foods: Green leafy vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins. Among them, vitamin A can promote the body's absorption of protein. Carrots, spinach, etc. are good sources of vitamin A; vitamin B can promote scalp metabolism. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, soybeans, etc. are all good sources of vitamin B; vitamin C can help the body better absorb iron and collagen. Citrus fruits, kiwis, strawberries, etc. are all good sources of vitamin C. Vitamin E can resist ageing and promote cell metabolism. Brown rice, peanuts, broad-leaf vegetables, etc. are all vitamins. A good source of E.

3. Foods Rich in Beneficial Fats

Good fats refer to omega-3- 3 fatty acids, which are needed for their growth and make them healthy and shiny. Omega-3- 3 fatty acids can be obtained from fish. Eating fish twice a week can supplement the body with an appropriate amount of omega-3- 3 fatty acids.

Recommended Food: Fish and salmon are recommended. Salmon is rich in omega-3- 3 fatty acids, high-quality protein, vitamins and iron ions, which provide a comprehensive and diverse nutritional supplement to the hair. If you don't eat fish, you can also get it by taking DHA supplements.

4. Foods Rich in Trace Elements and Minerals

Trace elements and minerals are indispensable ingredients for healthy hair. They can ensure hair is smooth, strong and elastic. Among them, iron can alleviate hair loss; zinc can participate in the synthesis and metabolism of fat and activate various enzymes in the body; iodine can make hair shinier; selenium can be an antioxidant and prevent its ageing.

Recommended Foods: The content of trace elements required by the human body is not high. Generally, there is no need to deliberately supplement them. Just eat more green vegetables, meat, eggs, and milk. Black sesame seeds are also a good choice, as they can nourish them and improve the tendency of your hair to break easily.

5. Foods Rich in Phytochemicals

Phytochemicals refer to some physiologically active compounds present in plants. They have many benefits for the human body, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, etc. For it, phytochemicals can regulate androgen levels and inhibit the activity of 5-alpha reductase, thereby reducing the damage to hair follicles caused by dihydrotestosterone ( DHT ).

Recommended Foods: Pumpkin seeds, soybeans, tea, tomatoes, etc. are all foods rich in phytochemicals. Among them, pumpkin seeds contain a component called β- sitosterol, which can effectively inhibit 5-alpha reductase; soybeans contain soy isoflavones, which can regulate androgen levels; tea contains tea polyphenols and caffeine, which can inhibit the production of DHT; Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

6. Foods Rich in Traditional Chinese Medicine Ingredients

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hair is " blood " and is closely related to the liver and kidneys. Therefore, nourishing blood, nourishing the liver and kidneys is the basic principle of their care. Some foods contain ingredients from traditional Chinese medicine, which can nourish the blood, nourish the liver and kidneys, thereby improving the quality and quantity of hair.

Recommended Foods: Polygonum multiflorum, wolfberry, mulberry, black beans, etc. are all foods rich in traditional Chinese medicine ingredients. Polygonum multiflorum contains nutrients such as lecithin, which promotes the production of melanin and promotes cell metabolism growth and development; wolfberry can nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish yin and moisturize dryness, and has a good effect on dry and dull hair; mulberry It can replenish blood and nourish the skin, and has a certain preventive and therapeutic effect on premature greying of hair; black beans can nourish yin and nourish the kidney, and has a certain proliferative effect on thinning hair.

7. Foods Rich in Water and Fibre

Moisture and fibre are two substances that are indispensable for human health, and the same is true for hair. Moisture can keep the scalp and hair moist and prevent dryness and dehydration; fibre can promote intestinal peristalsis, discharge toxins and waste from the body, and reduce damage to the hair.

Recommended Foods: Fruits and vegetables are foods rich in water and fibre. You should eat enough fruits and vegetables every day to maintain the body's water balance and cleanliness. Among them, watermelons, apples, pears, cucumbers, etc. are all fruits with high water content; celery, carrots, cabbage, etc. are all vegetables with high fibre content.

The above is a list of some foods that can nourish hair. I hope you can make a reasonable diet according to your situation and preferences to make your hair healthier and more beautiful!

7 Natural Ways to Grow Your Hair Faster and Healthily

Finding a hairstyle that you particularly like, but you need to have thick hair, is indeed a painful thing for people with less hair. Do many hair growth agents or similar related products on the market help hair growth? Although I have not tried them all, I have used some products with excellent reputations. The effects are hard to describe. I feel that wasting money is a complete waste of money. On the contrary, if you understand the factors that hinder hair growth and avoid them as much as possible, it may be more valuable and meaningful than spending money on those things.

Today, I’m going to share 7 ways to naturally make your hair grow faster.

World-renowned trichologist Philip Kingsley (who has been working on it for decades) said: "Human hair is the second fastest growing cell in the human body, and intestinal cells are the first." Approximately 120,000 hairs are growing on the average scalp. There's a lot of labour involved in grooming your hair. But at the same time, it is neither an essential tissue nor an important organ. Your body will never prioritize its nutritional needs. Therefore, any nutritional "imbalance" can cause damage to it. Currently, no proven method can significantly increase the average growth rate by much more than 1.3cm per month. But at the end of the day, you're likely to grow 2.5cm a week, which is mostly a matter of genetics, but also luck of the draw. However, we know certain things will encourage more healthy and normal hair growth. The benefits of these everyday tips extend far beyond “appearances.”

Tip 1: Eat Healthy

Our hair reflects our overall health. So it's no surprise that somehow we need to eat the right things. For well-nourished hair, here are the must-haves in your daily diet:

Tip 2: Water

The scalp (i.e. skin) can become dry. You should drink about 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day, a little more if you exercise or live in a warm environment. Hydrating yourself regularly is a good habit.

Tip 3: Protein

Hair is based on protein, so getting more protein is crucial. A serving of 120 grams of meat protein is recommended (breakfast and lunch). For vegetarians, you will need to consume more than 120 grams of plant-based sources such as nuts, legumes, and tofu.

Tip 4: Biotin

Its cells (like all cells) are covered by a fatty membrane. For cells to grow and multiply, you must "keep your fat membranes healthy, which starts with getting the right fats in your diet," says New York City nutritionist Brooke Alpert. The menu includes rich sources of biotin: salmon, oysters, avocados and nuts.

Tip 4:  Vitamin C

Healthy hair and skin require vitamin C, a collagen-producing resource. Albert also mentions its role as a major antioxidant that "fights all the cellular damage we do regularly," with citrus fruits, sweet potatoes and red peppers being major sources of vitamin C.

Tip 5: Hearty Breakfast

Never underestimate the importance of a nutritious breakfast. It is the oiling point for most of your body (including your scalp and hair follicles). A good meal that includes all of the above can provide the energy needed to form cells.

Tip 6: Avoid Rain Showers

Try not to shower with cold water or at least don't get it on your scalp. Kingsley explains that cooler temperatures may compress capillaries in the scalp, which "carry nutrients and absorb waste products from the surface of the skin." Keep your blood vessels as active as possible to keep your hair cells in good condition. To be safe, use warm water when shampooing. Keep your head wet without the shock of sudden temperature changes. When it comes time to rinse at the end, the water temperature can be lowered slightly.

Tip 7: Use Less Shampoo and More Conditioner

You can also say this: washing them every day is not recommended. Washing your hair with shampoo can make them dry and brittle. Professional hair care professionals say it's best to avoid shampoos that contain high amounts of detergents and sulfates, as they can strip your hair and scalp of its natural sebum and oils.

Tip 8: Never Comb Your Hair When it’s Wet

It's best not to be subject to pulling or stretching while wet. That’s when split ends or breaks are most likely to occur. I recommend towel-drying your hair before gently scrubbing it with a comb or brush. Take your time doing this, there is a lot of moisture to remove. Drying should also be done gently without rubbing back and forth quickly, which is especially important for hair that is already halfway to its desired length.

Tip 9: Exercise Regularly

Cells rely on oxygen to replicate and stay healthy, which reaches every cell through adequate blood circulation. So that's what you want to maximize supply to get more healthy cells, both in the scalp and in each follicle. A half-hour of aerobic exercise (such as running or any exercise that forces you to move around) three times a week is recommended. Apart from this, make it a habit to massage your scalp from time to time. This helps keep its cells in a more vibrant state.

Tip 10: Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Just like your eating habits, your sleeping habits have a say in hair growth. About 7-8 hours of sleep per night is ideal. During these hours, the body is in continuous repair mode. That's the window when growth hormone appears and accelerates cell reproduction. More sleep = active scalp cells = more hair. Sleep also increases blood circulation around follicles. So a good workout energizes the entire body, and sleep keeps that energy going into the next day.

Tip 11: Relax

Ever thought about what your brain might be doing to all the hair on it? You might be surprised. Mental stress is as important as a lack of physical health. The more pressure you put on yourself, the more tax you put on your brain. It doesn't work like it does when you're relaxed. Experts say severe weight loss, as well as physical or emotional stress, can put hair loss at risk for those who experience it, and while hair does have a chance to regrow, it can take a while for some. A few months. The goal is to relax, know how to decompress yourself and let go of what needs to be put down. Remember, anxiety weakens your body, including your hair cells. Find ways to reduce stress. You can try going for a run or watching a comedy on TV, and find a trusted friend or family member to talk to or keep company with.

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