Low Calorie Diet

A low-calorie diet is the very best option for weight loss quickly. These foods fit your body and keep you active and fresh.

Low Calorie Diet

Summer is coming soon, aren’t you ready to lose weight? If you still don’t know how to lose weight, you might as well start with a diet and eat more low-calorie foods in your daily life! Today, There are different kinds of ultra-low-calorie foods for everyone, so that you can eat enough, not be afraid of getting fat, and always stay slim!

Staple food


Calories: 77 cal/100g

That’s right, potatoes are a staple food, not a vegetable! As a vegetable, potatoes have high calories, but as a staple food, potatoes have only two-thirds of the calories of rice, which can definitely be called "low-calorie." The satiety index (SI) of potatoes ranks first among daily food ingredients, and it is particularly resistant to hunger. The calories are only two-thirds of rice, making it less likely to be healthy. Most of the starch is resistant starch, which is even more detrimental to health. The body absorbs, and the actual calories consumed are lower. Therefore, potatoes, as a staple food for weight loss, are definitely the best choice.

However, you need to pay attention to two points when using potatoes to lose weight:

  1. Potatoes for weight loss are based on replacing staple foods such as rice and noodles. Pure staple food diets such as shredded potato rice bowls will only make you fatter.
  2. Potatoes have the characteristic of absorbing oil. For cooking, it is only recommended to steam, boil, bake, or make mashed potatoes. Frying, frying, or stir-frying is not recommended.

Purple sweet potato

Calories : 82 kcal/100g

Purple sweet potato is also low in calories among staple foods, with only 82 cal/100 grams. In addition to being low in calories, purple sweet potatoes also have a low GI value, which can delay the rise of blood sugar. They contain a large amount of dietary fibre, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, accelerate fat burning, and maintain a longer feeling of satiety. In addition, purple sweet potato also contains a large amount of selenium, which can inhibit the body's absorption of sugar and prevent sugar from being converted into fat; it is rich in anthocyanins, which have antioxidant and scavenging harmful free radicals in the body and has a beauty and beauty effect. Very good too. In other words, arranging some purple sweet potatoes in your daily staple food can not only help you lose weight but also make your skin better.


Calories : 338 kcal/100g

It seems that oats have high calories, but these are the calories of dry oats. In fact, 30 grams of oatmeal can make a large bowl of porridge. Among whole grains, oatmeal is a type of food that is rich in B vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre. It has a strong sense of satiety and is a staple food for fat loss that many people choose! In addition, the biggest advantage of oatmeal is that it is easy to eat. Simply brew or steam it, and you can have breakfast in 5 minutes. It is very convenient for both office workers and students! However, you should also pay attention when choosing oats. Be sure to choose products with only "oats" in the ingredient list.


Egg white

Calories: 60 cal/100g

Egg whites, also known as egg whites, have very low calories. One egg white only contains about 23 cal. Moreover, egg whites also contain a large amount of protein. Therefore, they have the characteristics of strong satiety and can help muscle repair and growth. It is the most recommended food for weight loss! Based on the characteristics of egg whites with low calories and strong satiety, Qing Niu also tried a weight loss method: prepare a few egg whites every day, put them in sealed bags, and store them in the refrigerator. Once she feels a little hungry, she will eat 1 After about 20 minutes, I no longer feel hungry.

Regarding the disposal of egg yolks:

  1. Buy egg whites for baking directly. This product does not have egg yolks.
  2. Find someone to handle the remaining egg yolks.

2. Fish, shrimp and seafood

Calories : 45-120 kcal/100g

Fish, shrimp and seafood have the lowest calorie and fat content among all meats, but are rich in protein. The calories of fish are basically between 80-150 kcal/100 grams, and most of them are lower than chicken breast. The calories of shrimps are 101 cal100g, and the calories of shrimps are only 48 cal/100g. The general calories of seafood are only 40-80 kcal/100g. The calories of razor clams (containing 33.6mg of iron per 100g) and clams (containing 11.4mg of iron per 100g) are only one-ninth of that of pork. In addition, they have shells. If you don’t eat quickly, it’s basically difficult to exceed the caloric limit. If you choose to eat fish, shrimp and seafood when losing weight, you will have minimized the effect of weight gain and easily won at the starting line!

3. Blood tofu

Calories : 33-80 kcal/100g

Chicken blood, duck blood, and pig blood are commonly known as "blood tofu." The protein content in blood is close to that of meat, the fat content is much lower than that of meat, and the iron content is much higher than that of red meat. Moreover, it contains heme iron that is easily utilized by the human body, making it the "holy product of iron supplementation." In terms of protein content, duck blood is about the same as pig blood (13%), which is at the same level as pork; in terms of iron content, duck blood is the highest, followed by chicken blood, and pig's is the lowest. Overall, duck blood seems to be slightly better, but its output is relatively small. At this time, many businesses began to use other cheap and high-yield animal blood to pass it off as ducks. The specific choice of which kind of blood tofu to eat depends on your own decision~

Fruits and vegetables

1. Celery

Calories: 11 cal per 100 grams

Celery is a low-calorie, high-fibre, high-water food that is often called a "negative calorie food." This kind of food, relatively speaking, has a stronger feeling of satiety (less likely to make you hungry with the same amount of calories). You can eat it without getting fat but still resist hunger. That’s it. In addition, the fragrance of celery also has a refreshing effect. A glass of celery juice every day is a good choice to cleanse the intestines, fill up the stomach with low fat, and improve metabolism.

2. Winter Melon

Calories : 11 kcal/100g

Winter melon has been known as the "slimming melon" since ancient times. It contains only 11 cal per 100 grams. In other words, if you eat 1,000 grams of winter melon, your caloric intake is only equivalent to eating 100 grams of rice. You will never be full if you eat 100 grams of rice, but you will never be full if you eat 1,000 grams of winter melon. food. In addition to being low in calories, winter melon also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. The glycolic acid contained in it can also inhibit the body's conversion and absorption of sugar, which is very good for stabilizing blood sugar and reducing fat accumulation. Effect. Not only does it have a significant weight loss effect, but winter melon is also a beauty product, which has miraculous effects on skin whitening and removing facial oedema.

3. Cucumber

Calories : 15 kcal 100g

Cucumber is a common low-calorie vegetable with a water content of 96%-99%. Cucumbers are rich in B vitamins, which can directly participate in fat metabolism and accelerate fat burning; they are rich in dietary fibre, which can help promote intestinal peristalsis and clear intestines and scrape oil; they contain propylene glycol acid, which can help inhibit the body's The sugars in the body are converted into fat, which plays a role in weight loss and lipid-lowering! Compared with celery and winter melon, cucumber is more convenient to eat and can be carried with you, especially suitable for snacks during weight loss.

4. Grapefruit (Grapefruit)

Calories: 33 cal/100g

When losing weight, we always recommend everyone to eat grapefruit, because grapefruit is low in calories and large in size. The most recommended one is grapefruit. In addition to other grapefruit characteristics of low calories and large volume, grapefruit can also emit a fragrance that stimulates the sympathetic nerves and puts them in an excited state, thus promoting the decomposition of activated lipolytic enzymes. In addition, there was a "grapefruit diet" in the United States: eat half a grapefruit before three meals, and use the grapefruit to occupy the stomach, which can reduce the intake of high-calorie foods in the meal. You can lose an average of 1.62kg in 14 days. The effect is A good one can lose up to 4.5kg.

These 10 ultra-low-calorie foods that you shouldn’t miss will allow you to lose weight with peace of mind, so hurry up and include them in your meals!

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