Lemon, its Nutitional Value, Uses, Health Benefits, Skin Care Remedies

Lemon is a fruit, which has a sour taste. It is usually yellow and green. It has many health benefits and is also used in daily life and many skin remedies.

Lemon, its Nutitional Value, Uses, Health Benefits, Skin Care Remedies

Lemon (Latin scientific name: Citrus limon) is an evergreen small tree of the genus Citrus in the family Rutaceae. Lemon also has the effects of promoting body fluids and quenching thirst, harmonizing the stomach, reducing phlegm, and relieving cough.  The fruit is yellow and oval and is mainly used for juice. Sometimes it is also used as a cooking seasoning, but it is not used for fresh eating because it is too sour. Lemons were brought to Europe by the Arabs. There are no records in ancient Greek and Roman documents. This fruit began to be cultivated in Genoa, Italy in the 15th century. They appeared in the Azores in 1494. Because they are rich in vitamin C, they have solved many problems for Westerners. Scurvy, a fatal problem on long-distance voyages, was used by the British navy to supplement vitamin C., Lemons, are one of the least cold-tolerant varieties of citrus. It is suitable for places where the winter is warm, the summer is not very hot, and the temperature is relatively stable. It is native to Southeast Asia, and its main producing areas are the United States, Italy, Spain, and Greece.

Magical Uses 

There are a lot of uses for this fruit, which are very beneficial in our everyday lives.

1. Dishwashing Liquid: 

Peel a lemon, mix the peeled one and white vinegar, let it sit for one night, then add water, and you have a bottle of dishwashing liquid with excellent effects. It is natural and does not cause any harm. hand. 

2. Bleaching

White bath towels or white T-shirts can be bleached with lemon juice and soda powder. Soak the bath towels or towels for half an hour to make them as white as ever. You can try white bath towels, socks, towels, and T-shirts. 

3. Clean the Cutting Board

Cut the lemon in half and scrub the cutting board with it and salt like a sponge. If it is still not clean enough, try it again and it will be completely clean. 

4. Increase Appetite

Drinking a glass of this juice with honey on an empty stomach can promote gastrointestinal motility and increase appetite. 

5. Remove Odor from Home Appliances 

If the refrigerator, dishwasher, and other appliances at home have a very bad smell, you can put some lemon juice in them, or cut the lemons in half and put them in. Of course, you can directly use its juice and a sponge to wipe the appliances, which is more efficient. 

6. Plant a Potted Plant

Cut this fruit in half, remove the pulp, and add potted soil and seedlings. Then you will have a beautiful potted plant. 

7. Deodorize Shoes

Put lemon peels in smelly shoes and socks, and say goodbye to the smell in one night.

8. Clean Stainless Steel

For some stainless steel items, such as sinks, spoons, etc., you can use lemon peel and baking soda together to clean stainless steel and restore its lustre.

9. Repel Mosquitoes

Squeeze a few drops of this juice on the windows and corners to help you get rid of the ants. Add lemon to lilac, and mosquitoes that disturb your dreams will stay away. 

10. Remove Odor

If you accidentally get something with a strong smell on your hands or clothes when cooking, soak the lemon in cold water for ten minutes, and then apply it to your hands or clothes to remove the odour.

Efficacy and Function Broadcast

Efficacy and function: Sweet and sour, neutral in nature, enters the liver and stomach meridian; has the effects of resolving phlegm, relieving cough, promoting body fluids, and strengthening the spleen; mainly used to treat bronchitis, whooping cough, vitamin C deficiency, heat stroke, polydipsia, loss of appetite, stomachache in pregnant women Disharmony of qi, loss of appetite, huffing of qi, etc.

1. Produce Body Fluids, Relieve Heat, and Appetizer

Although lemons taste sour and slightly bitter, they cannot be eaten raw like other fruits. However, lemon peel is rich in aromatic volatile components, which can produce body fluids, relieve heat, appetizer, and refresh the spleen. The summer heat and humidity are severe, and many people feel fatigued and have poor appetite after working or studying for a long time. Drinking a glass of lemon water will refresh your mind with a fresh and sour taste and whet your appetite. In Western food, it is often used as a seasoning for seafood to remove fishy odours, while in Southeast Asian cuisine, it is used directly in cooking to highlight its sweet and sour taste. 

2. Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

They are rich in vitamin C and vitamin P, which can enhance the elasticity and toughness of blood vessels and can prevent and treat symptoms of high blood pressure and myocardial infarction. In recent years, foreign studies have also found that green lemon contains an ingredient similar to insulin, which can reduce abnormal blood sugar levels.

3. Clear Away Heat and Resolve Phlegm

Lemon can also resolve phlegm. Its peel is more effective than citrus in dispelling inactivity. The weather in summer is hot and humid. If you don't pay attention to your diet, the internal dampness of the human body and the external dampness of the natural climate will react with each other. The accumulation of dampness and turbidity will lead to phlegm over time. Therefore, when there is a lot of inertia in summer and the throat is uncomfortable, adding lits juice to warm water and a small amount of salt can help cough up the thick phlegm accumulated in the throat smoothly.

4. Antibacterial and Anti-inflammatory

This fruit is rich in vitamin C, which acts like a natural antibiotic on the human body. It is antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory, and enhances human immunity. You can usually drink more hot lemon water to maintain your body. 

5. Beauty Fruit

It contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, and other nutrients. It is also rich in organic acids and citric acid. It is a highly alkaline food and has a strong antioxidant effect, which is good for promoting skin health. It is very effective in metabolism, delaying ageing and inhibiting pigmentation. 

6. Antiemetic Fruit

"Cantonese", a traditional Chinese medicine book in the Guangdong and Guangdong areas, records: "Lemon is suitable for mother and child. It tastes very sour. Pregnant women with liver deficiency are addicted to it, so it is called suitable for mothers. When it is ripe, people bid for it, hoping to store more and it will last for a long time." "Shang, juice can replace vinegar." That is to say, pregnant women can place some lemons beside the bed and smell them when they get up in the morning, which can eliminate morning sickness.

Nutritional value Report

  •  Fresh ones are low in calories and rich in citric acid. They are an excellent source of potassium, calcium, iron, vitamin C, and bioflavonoids. 
  • The bioflavonoids in its juice are much lower than those in fruits because they mainly exist in the skin and membrane of fruits.
  • Lemon peel contains a considerable amount of citral, which is an aldehyde that opposes the effects of vitamin A. You must ensure that the supply of vitamin A in the diet is sufficient before eating a large amount of lemon peel. 
  • This fruit is rich in vitamin C and vitamin P, and green ones contain an ingredient similar to insulin.

How to Purchase Broadcast

  • Look at the colour of fresh lemons. They are very bright, bright yellow, and the colour will be very uniform, without yellow and green distribution. The skin is shiny, and the knot on the top is green, which is the one originally connected to the tree. There is usually a small green top left after picking it off, just like there is a pimple-like thing on the top of an orange. If it is brown, it proves that the fruit is not fresh. 
  • Try the ones that are firmer to the touch. The harder ones are more sour, while the softer ones are less sour. But don’t buy the soft ones, as the soft ones are very stale.
  • Observe the shape. The rounder ones will be less sour but have more juice. The more pointed ones will be more sour but have less juice.

Storage Method Broadcast

1. Preservation of Cut Lemons:

Lemons that cannot be eaten at once can be sliced and pickled in honey, and soaked in water for drinking later. It can also be sliced and marinated in rock sugar or white sugar, or soaked in water for drinking. But make sure you don’t bring any water with you, otherwise the squeezed juice may be ruined. 

2. Preservation of Juiice:

You can seal it tightly and store it in the refrigerator. The time is limited to 3 days. Over time, vitamin C will volatilize. You can also buy some fresh lemons to squeeze the juice when they are on the market in large quantities. Pour its juice directly into the ice tray and store it in the refrigerator's freezer. When needed, just use the lemon ice cubes directly. 

3. Preservation of Whole Lemons:

Whole ones can be stored at room temperature for about a month. They are stored for some time under conditions where the oxygen concentration is less than 3% and the carbon dioxide concentration is higher than 10% will hurt the flavour. More than 10% carbon dioxide can increase the decay of this fruit and reduce its sourness. Oxygen below 5% can cause their taste to bad. You can wrap them in plastic wrap and put them in the refrigerator. This is the simplest and easiest way.

How to Eat It?

Because it is too sour and not suitable for fresh consumption, it can be used to garnish dishes and squeeze juice. Common usages:

1. Drink Fresh Lemon Directly:

Wash the fresh lemon fruit, cut it crosswise into 2mm thick slices, remove the seeds, and put it directly into a cup. Boil cold water, add the appropriate amount of rock sugar, and drink.

2. Make Candied Lemons:

Wash this fruit, slice them, and remove the seeds. According to the ratio of 1 kilogram of lemon slices to 2 to 3 kilograms of sugar, use the method of one layer of lemon and one layer of sugar, put it into a porcelain jar or bottle, and seal it tightly. It can be drunk after a week (diabetic patients can use salting, the method is the same as sugaring, and the amount of salt is 25~30% of the amount of lemon)

3. Used for Cooking:

When cooking food with a fishy smell, you can use fresh slices or Put juice into the pot before cooking to remove the fishy smell and greasy taste.

4. Fresh Fruit Beauty:

Wash and slice the lemon, put it in cold boiled water for 3 to 5 minutes, and then use it to apply on the face, wipe the body, and wash the hair. With long-term use, it can melt away the spots on the face and body, and achieve the effect of making your hair like a waterfall of ink, your face like jade, your body like condensed fat, and radiant.

5. Lemon"s Deodorization and Preservation:

Place 2 to 3 pounds of fresh lemon fruit naked in the refrigerator or living room, which can play a better role in removing odours in the refrigerator or living room; place slices in a pickle jar to remove whitening and make the pickles crisp. tasty. 

Skin Remedies

Lemon is a common fruit in life. It contains a lot of citric acid and other nutrients. It is not only the king of fruits but also can be used to whiten and remove freckles. It is a good beauty product. I hope the following beauty methods of it can help everyone.

Method 1, Remove Blackheads

Squeeze the juice of tomatoes and lemons, add flour to make a paste, apply it on your face after washing, and wash it off after fifteen minutes. This can eliminate acne and blackheads faster and make your skin smoother.

Method 2, Remove Freckles

Its water can better treat freckles and reduce melanin. After cleansing your face every morning and evening, apply lemon water on the freckles on your face for about a week to eliminate freckles.

Method 3  Whitening

When cleaning your face in daily life, squeezing a small amount of lemon juice into the water can have a very good whitening effect, make the skin whiter and clearer, and also have a very good moisturizing effect.

Method 4, Cleansing

Peel and slice the lemon, then put it into a glass bottle, pour in white wine, and soak it overnight. The next day, apply the lemon juice in the glass bottle to your skin. After fifteen minutes, rinse it with water to purify and clean your skin. Makes skin whiter and more translucent.

Method 5, Tightens Skin

Squeeze the lemon juice, add the egg yolk and mix well, then add a few drops of olive oil, and apply evenly on the face after washing your face, wash it off after 20 minutes, it can make the skin firmer and more tender, and can eliminate facial wrinkles and wrinkles. Anti-ageing skincare effects.

Beauty Precautions

Different skin types should be careful when using this fruit for beauty.

  • People with oily skin are more likely to use lemon for beauty and skin care, while people with dry or sensitive skin should not use it more.
  • It is not advisable to bask in the sun immediately after lemon skin care.
  • It has the effect of absorbing light. If the skin is exposed to sunlight immediately after applying its juice, the skin will easily turn dark, and even spots will form. Therefore, after using lemon juice on the face, it is not advisable to bask in the sun immediately.
  • Don’t drink too much lemon water
  • Although it is a good beauty product, you should not consume it in excess, otherwise, it will easily hurt your stomach. Don’t drink more than 1000ml of this water every day.

Diet Therapy Methods:

  •  Lemon water chestnut soup to prevent cardiovascular disease. Use 1 fresh lemon, peel and slice it, and 5 water chestnuts (water chestnuts), peel them. Make soup together and drink it once a day. Regular drinking by middle-aged and elderly friends can prevent high blood pressure and is beneficial to patients with myocardial infarction in improving symptoms.
  •  Honey lemon tea can appetize and quench thirst. Squeeze the juice from fresh lemons with peels and brew it with tea juice. It can be used as a health drink to treat thirst during the summer heat.
  • Lemon sugar cane water relieves hangovers and clears away heat. Use 60 grams of fresh lemon with peel and 250 grams of fresh sugar cane, chop them into small pieces and mash them slightly, squeeze the juice, and take it slowly. It is used for excessive drinking, accumulation of heat and damage to body fluids, upset, and thirst.
  •  Honey lemon water can relieve cold and throat discomfort. When a cold starts, take a lemon, peel it and slice it, add a small amount of honey, and drink it with water. This can relieve sore throat and reduce the discomfort of dry and itchy throat. Peel and mash fresh lemons, brew them into boiled water,\ and drink them as tea to treat pharyngitis.

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