Weight loss diet plan for women

This site can recommend how diet plans and exercise will help you to lose weight in the best way. Seven days meal plan is discussed here.

Weight loss diet plan for women

People can always lose weight with the help of exercise and a healthy diet that promotes fat-burning in women.  Even beginners should focus on the right regions. The diet should be simple for beginners. Women may therefore find it challenging to reduce weight. But you can do it! particularly if you know how to control your biology. Understanding how the body stores fat is the first step in losing weight.  Your body breaks down the food you eat into smaller components, which your body then absorbs, uses, and sometimes retains. If you eat more calories than your body can burn, the excess is stored as fat or glycogen in your muscles and liver. Due to today's lifestyle of constant work, stress, lethargy, and lack of exercise, weight loss diets are becoming increasingly important for women. It starts by encouraging bad eating habits that ultimately cause the body to become too toxic and gain weight. In these situations, women pay more attention to their weight and appearance, and health is a priority. Therefore, they began to delve into natural methods of losing weight. Exercising at the gym is an option, but it works better for men than women because it's harder for women to shed those unwanted pounds and keep them on once they carry them. In challenging conditions, the Fitelo diet for women's weight loss can work wonders to help you consistently achieve your fitness goals.

How Weight Loss Diet Plan Work

The extra calories ingested from fat or carbohydrates are stored in fat cells as triglycerides. Your body does this to conserve energy for later use. This excess energy eventually turns into fat, which can wreak havoc on your health and body. However, with the help of the right foods, like a healthy vegan diet, your body will start to eat properly. A daily calorie deficit of 500 calories is a good starting point for seeing a noticeable reduction in body fat, but this varies from person to person. Fats are released from the fat cells and also transferred to the body's mitochondria, which are the cell's energy-producing thereby maintaining a constant calorie deficit. However, energy is generated here by a process that breaks down fat. However, your body fat stores are still used for energy when you remain in a calorie deficit, resulting in a decrease in body fat. Diet, like exercise, are two factors in fat loss. If there is a large enough calorie deficit, they are released from the fat cells and used as fuel. Fat cells shrink dramatically as fat loss progresses, drastically changing body composition. People generally want to lose fat from the buttocks, hips, thighs, and abdomen, as well as facial fat. Pinpointing or reducing weight in a specific area hasn't proven effective, but when someone follows a weight loss diet correctly, they can lose weight in one area faster than others.

7 Days Meal Plan for Females

Day 1

Meal 1 Raisin water and 5 soaked almonds
Meal 2 Moong at Cheela
Meal 3 Any fruit (except mango, banana, chikki, and grapes)
Meal 4 Moong dal 
Meal 5 Wheatgrass juice and toasted chana/makhana
Meal 6 Seed mix (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, flax) 1 tbsp
Meal 7 Tomato soup with spinach
Meal 8 chamomile

Day 2

Meal 1 Raisin water and 5 soaked almonds
Meal 2 Paneer Kathi buns
Meal 3 Any fruit (except mango, banana, chikki and grapes)
Meal 4 Paneer salad
Meal 5 Wheatgrass juice and toasted chana/makhana
Meal 6 Seed mix (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, flax) 1 tbsp
Meal 7 Bhelpuri
Meal 8 chamomile

Day 3

Meal 1 Raisin water and 5 soaked almonds
Meal 2 Missi roti, cheese
Meal 3 Fruit of your choice except for mango, banana, chikki, and grapes. 
Meal 4 Cheela Besan
Meal 5 Wheatgrass juice and toasted chana/makhana
Meal 6 Seed mix (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, flax) 1 tbsp
Meal 7 Vegetable soup mix
Meal 8 Chamomile

Day 4

Meal 1 Raisin water and 5 soaked almonds
Meal 2 Oatmeal with milk
Meal 3 Fruit of your choice except for mango, banana, chikki, and grapes. 
Meal 4 Cheela Besan
Meal 5 Wheatgrass juice and toasted chana/makhana
Meal 6 Seed mix (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, flax) 1 tbsp
Meal 7 Vegetable soup mix
Meal 8 Chamomile

Day 5

Meal 1 Raisin water and 5 soaked almonds
Meal 2 Moong dal idli
Meal 3 Fruit of your choice except for mango, banana, chikki, and grapes. 
Meal 4 Moong dal + wheat bran roti
Meal 5 Wheatgrass juice and toasted chana/makhana
Meal 6 Seed mix (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, flax) 1 tbsp
Meal 7 Tomato soup with spinach
Meal 8 Chamomile

Day 6

Meal 1 Raisin water and 5 soaked almonds
Meal 2 Papaya smoothie (sugar-free)
Meal 3 Fruit of your choice except for mango, banana, chikki, and grapes. 
Meal 4 Kala Chana, brown rice
Meal 5 Wheatgrass juice and toasted chana/makhana
Meal 6 Seed mix (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, flax) 1 tbsp
Meal 7 Kala Chana, brown rice
Meal 8 Chamomile

Day 7

Meal 1 Raisin water and 5 soaked almonds
Meal 2 Kala Chan steaks
Meal 3 Fruit of your choice except for mango, banana, chikki, and grapes. 
Meal 4 Chana cheela black sprout
Meal 5 Wheatgrass juice and toasted chana/makhana
Meal 6 Seed mix (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, flax) 1 tbsp
Meal 7 Ghiya Kheer
Meal 8 Chamomile

Weight Loss Exercise for Females


Exercises that get your heart rate up are called cardio exercises, or "cardio." People who want to achieve and/or maintain a healthy weight or stay fit can benefit from cardio exercise. The benefits of cardio exercise for the body are numerous. A 2015 study found that people who completed a 4-week aerobic exercise program achieved the following results:

  • Better mood
  • Less perceived fear
  • Less mental stress
  • Less emotional exhaustion

Strength training

By preserving muscle mass before, during, and after exercise to slow metabolism and prevent calorie burning, strength training can promote weight loss. Overall, incorporating strength training into your exercise regimen in addition to cardio and a nutritious diet is a great way to help you lose weight. However, there are several advantages:

  • You become slimmer
  • You will gain strength.
  • Reduce the risk of chronic diseases

High-Intensity Interval Training

In general, high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is a type of exercise that involves rapid, high-intensity exercise followed by a short period of rest. However, you can shed extra pounds with this cardiovascular exercise. But other factors also play a role here. However, as you read on, let's find out the top five benefits of HIIT training.

  • It is efficient and result-oriented
  • Perfect for losing weight
  • Increase metabolism
  • Better heart health


They are the perfect workout to lose belly fat as they work multiple muscles at once, boost your metabolism, and improve core strength. It is a full-body exercise. The plank is a great full-body exercise. However, there are several advantages:

  • Improve your posture and core
  • It can increase flexibility
  • Helps strengthen the core
  • Reduces belly fat


The perfect exercise for losing weight involves aerobics. These activities not only help you lose weight but also help build greater physical endurance. To lose weight, your body needs more oxygen to circulate. Therefore, aerobic exercise is the best way to lose body fat. However, let's look at the benefits.

  • Greater stroke volume
  • longer life
  • Check your blood pressure
  • Facilitates falling asleep

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