Introduction to Tuberculosis and Best Food

Tuberculosis is a contagious disease which is a major cause of cough, fever, and weight loss. It affects the lungs very seriously.

Introduction to Tuberculosis and Best Food


An infectious irresistible infection called tuberculosis is brought on by the microscopic organisms Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It essentially influences the lungs (pneumonic tuberculosis), but it can moreover influence other parts of the body, such as the brain, spine, or kidneys (extrapulmonary tuberculosis). It could be a critical worldwide health concern and remains one of the leading causes of passing from irresistible infections around the world. In any case, it can increase when somebody coughs, sneezes, or sings, in the form of airborne droplets of semen that are transmitted to another individual. It is additionally consoling that this infection spreads effectively where numerous individuals live or live in crowded regions. Individuals with HIV/AIDS or with powerless support systems are more likely to create tuberculosis than individuals with weak support systems.


TB is essentially transmitted through the air when a contaminated individual coughs, sneezes, or talks, discharging minor irresistible droplets into the air. Individuals nearby can breathe in these droplets and become infected. It is fundamental to note that casual contact, like shaking hands or sharing nourishment, does not spread disease. 


It's time to recommend a dietitian or nutritionist to compile the diet of a tuberculosis patient. As a result, 1.6 million people will die of this disease in 2021. But tuberculosis is the thirteenth leading cause of death after COVID-19 and the second leading cause of death globally. This means that the luxury of life was originally intended for man, according to the assessment of that time, but living this life, a person forgets about his salvation. But it is a cause that, if not treated properly, can worsen and in some cases even lead to death. Pay special attention to those who are in pain and keep them at home as soon as you infect others. Therefore, Fitelo provides an equally important diet that must be followed by the patients. Before moving on to nutrition, let's understand what tuberculosis is and what its symptoms are. The symptoms can vary depending on whether it is active or latent:

Active TB:

People with active TB may experience symptoms such as persistent cough (sometimes with blood), chest pain, fatigue, unintentional weight loss, fever, night sweats, and chills. The symptoms can be mild or severe, depending on the extent of the infection. When it is active, any one of the following symptoms may be present:

  • A chronic cough that lasts longer than two weeks.
  • Your chest pains.
  • Coughing out blood or mucous (sputum).
  • Weakness or feeling tired.
  • Decrease in appetite.
  • Loss of weight.
  • Chills.
  • Fever.
  • Sweats during the night.

Latent TB:

In latent form, the bacteria are present in the body but are in an inactive state. There are no symptoms, and the person is not contagious. However, latent TB can progress to active TB if the immune system becomes compromised, allowing the bacteria to become active.

Best Food Groups

A patient should eat a healthy and best diet. A healthy, energy-balanced diet can be achieved by eating foods from the four major food groups. This:

1. Cereals, millet and vegetables
2. Fruits and vegetables
3. Milk and derivatives, meat, eggs and fish
4. Oils, fats and oils from nuts and seeds.

Foods to Eat

When managing this disease, it's crucial to focus on maintaining a balanced diet to bolster the immune system and promote overall health. Even though there aren't any specific diets that can single-handedly remedy TB, a nutritious diet can enormously improve the immune system offer assistance in the body's battle against illness and encourage recovery. Underneath are a few dietary proposals for those with tuberculosis.

Protein-rich Foods:

Protein is basic for repairing and building tissues, including the immune system. Include lean meats (such as poultry and fish), beans, lentils, tofu, nuts, and seeds in your food.

Fruits and Vegetables:

Get an assortment of colourful fruits and veggies for a wide range of supplements, including vitamins, minerals, and cancer prevention agents to support your health.

Whole Grains:

Choose whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat, oats, and grain, as they give more supplements and fibre compared to refined grains.

Healthy Fats:

Make sure to include sources of healthy fats in your count of calories, such as nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, and olives. These fats help in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and promote overall health.

Dairy or Alternatives:

Dairy items are necessary for bone health as they give calcium and vitamin D. If you're lactose intolerant, choose lactose-free options such as soy milk or almond milk fortified with these supplements.

Foods Rich in Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is vital for keeping up healthy mucous membranes and skin, which are fundamental boundaries against diseases. Meals like carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and kale are great sources of vitamin A.

Foods High in Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is well-known for reinforcing the resistant framework. Incorporate citrus natural products (oranges, lemons, grapefruits), strawberries, kiwis, and chime peppers into your diet.

Zinc-Containing Foods:

Zinc is crucial for a solid safe framework. Nourishment like incline meats, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and entire grains are great sources of zinc.


Remain well-hydrated by drinking a bounty of water and liquids like homemade teas, which can offer immunity and keep up optimal bodily capacities.

Avoid Tobacco and Limit Alcohol:

Smoking and over-the-top liquor utilization can debilitate the safety framework and reduce the impacts of TB. Dodge tobacco and restrain liquor admissions.

Foods to Limit or Avoid:

Some nourishments which are unhealthy and not appropriate for the lungs should be avoided by the patients facing this illness. These include:

Processed Foods:

Highly processed things like junk items, packaged snacks, and sugary treats. 

Sugary Beverages:

Soda, fruit juices with added sugar, and energy drinks.

Saturated and Trans Fats:

Limit consumption of fried items, fatty cuts of meat, full-fat dairy products, and hydrogenated oils.


It's generally recommended to limit or avoid alcohol consumption during TB treatment, as it can interfere with medication and the healing process.


While moderate caffeine intake is generally acceptable, excessive consumption may disrupt sleep patterns or worsen certain TB symptoms.

Physical activity

A patient with tuberculosis can do physical activity, this can be beneficial. Physical activity helps convert food intake into muscle mass and improves appetite.

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